This video takes us on an animated journey in Knut Svanholms Bitcoin Magazine about Bitcoin and the state.
In this video, we examine how human societies have managed to surpass Dunbar’s number. With the invention of belief in the supernatural came the ability to attract large groups of people to a common cause. Power-hungry sociopaths have used this as a tool to control people since the invention of ceremonial burial. This enabled them to manipulate people and motivate them to go to war with other tribes.
The concept of the nation state would not have been possible without collective belief systems. In today’s society, the promise of a better life after this has been replaced by another promise: the promise of a better life here and now through money. The banks have replaced the churches. John Locke’s ideas gave us secular states, but the divine right of the ruling class was never really given up. Fiat money is just as much a belief system as belief in supernatural deities. To become emancipated, you have to give up all belief in authority. There is only one way out of our current systems and that is through Bitcoin.
This video was inspired by an article written by Knut Svanholm on entitled “The Separation of Money and State”.
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