How Bitcoin got where it is today: The Bitcoin Bridge chats with Eli Afram

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What has it been like covering bitcoin news and personalities over the years? This week’s episode of The Bitcoin Bridge has many memories with guest Eli Afram, Bitcoin Association ambassador for Australia and longtime commentator on Bitcoin issues. Hear some nuggets about how all of its sagas came up from two people who have been there many times to see it.

Eli has been part of the “Big Blocker Movement” as he calls it for many years and he shares some thoughts on how it happened and why it happened this way. He talks about the roles that several people played in it, including Dr. Craig Wright, Unwriter and even Roger Ver, in shaping his views on Bitcoin and Blockchain issues.

Cheers to Eli Afram for the great conversation we just had and next on #TheBitcoinBridge 🍻

Bitcoin stories, hard forks and all that. Could have kept it going for hours! Https: //

– Jon Southurst (aka BitcoinSVtrain) (@BitcoinSVtrain) May 7, 2021

However, that’s not all Eli does. He’s also involved in Amleh Gold and its tokenized gold investments, b-vote (now developed into AnonSurvey) and he remains a regular contributor to CoinGeek with editorials ranging from why Ethereum can’t scale and patent battles to Stablecoins and why Satoshi Nakamoto is still safe and sound and works at the BSV.

We also talk a little about what it takes for on-chain voting to work, using some of the issues he found with b-vote and AnonSurvey. It’s one of those issues that always hangs in the background of Bitcoin and Blockchain, but it takes a lot more than just workable technology to make it a reality. In some ways, a cultural shift is necessary first, so Eli goes over some of the things he’s seen and offers some opinions on how projects like this might get to market.

Australia itself has spawned many interesting Bitcoin projects and thinkers, and many of them remain in the BSV camp to this day. There can be several reasons for this. Eli talks about why the BCH / BSV split was “a tragedy” and how all ideals and people helped give us the situation we have today. Overall, it’s a more open and casual discussion than we normally have on the Bitcoin Bridge, and it’s interesting to see how people who have been around for years can stay passionate about something if it were that simple, cynical or to be jaded. Check out the full interview for all the details. You are sure to hear something you didn’t know before!

The Bitcoin Bridge appears every Monday on Streamanity; Remember to subscribe to the CoinGeek channel so you don’t miss an episode.

New to Bitcoin? Check out CoinGeek’s Bitcoin For Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide, to learn more about Bitcoin – as originally envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto – and blockchain.

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