Jack Lifton with Constantine Karayannopoulos from Neo Performance on the state of the rare earth market


In this InvestorIntel interview, Jack Lifton speaks to Constantine Karayannopoulos, President, CEO and Director of Neo Performance Materials Inc. (TSX: NEO). Jack asks Constantine where Neo’s future expansion will come from, what non-Chinese competitors they are facing, and if he believes there will be Canadian rare earth mines operating this decade.

In this InvestorIntel interview, which can also be seen on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel channel), Jack thinks that no one has the product specialization as Neo and that they are the “go-to company for “Are rare earth products” outside of China. Neo Performance recently announced strong financial results for the first quarter. Revenue rose 44.3% yoy and EBITDA rose 132.6% yoy. With demand, volume and margins returning to solid pre-COVID levels in most Neo businesses, the company “came back very well,” Constantine said. With Europe in the driver’s seat for the electric vehicle supply chain, Constantine identified Europe as the high growth market for Neo and commented on the potential opportunity for Neo if Foxconn enters the electric car assembly business.

To watch the full interview, click here

About Neo Performance Materials

Neo makes the building blocks of many modern technologies that improve efficiency and sustainability. Neo’s advanced industrial materials – magnetic powders and magnets, specialty chemicals, metals and alloys – are critical to the performance of many everyday products and new technologies. Neo’s products help deliver tomorrow’s technologies to consumers today. Neo’s business is divided into three segments: Magnequench, Chemicals & Oxides and Rare Metals. Neo is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada;; with headquarters in Greenwood Village, Colorado, UNITED STATES; Singapore;; and Beijing, China. Neo operates worldwide with sales and production in 10 countries Japan, China, Thailand, Estonia, Singapore, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, and South Korea.

To learn more about Neo Performance Materials Inc., click here

Disclaimer: Neo Performance Materials Inc. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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